Can now edit saved game files as well as saved character files.
Editing a character (.GCD) file:
•Start up Fallout, start a new game, create a new character, save the character, quit Fallout.
•Drag the character file onto the editor's icon or double-click the editor's icon, select "Open…" from the File menu and choose your character file.
•Change what you like. Raise your stats above 10 at your own risk.
•Click on the "Done" button to save your changes and quit. Clicking on "Done" always resaves the file even if you haven't made changes. Select "Quit" from the file menu to quit without saving. If you are editing multiple characters, you may want to select "Save" in the File menu, which will save your character file but will not quit the editor.
•Launch Fallout, choose new game, create a new character, click on the "Options" button, load your customized character, and head out into the wastelands.
Editing a saved game (.DAT) file:
•Drag the SAVE.DAT file onto FCE's icon, or start up FCE, select "Open…" from the File menu and choose the SAVE.DAT file you wish to edit.
•Change what you like. Raise your stats above 10 at your own risk.
•Click on the "Done" button to save your changes and quit. Clicking on "Done" always resaves the file even if you haven't made changes. Select "Quit" from the file menu to quit without saving. If you are editing multiple characters, you may want to select "Save" in the File menu, which will save your character file but will not quit the editor.
•Launch Fallout and load your saved game. You may want to check your stats right off the bat to make sure everything is as expected.
Other Info:
Please be aware that this is an alpha version; use it at your own risk. I have tested it lightly with no problems, but it is strongly suggested that you make a backup of any files you plan to edit. If you have problems with the editor (or even if you don't) please drop me a note so I know how things are going.
The Fallout Character Editor is free to use and may be freely distributed unaltered with all original documentation.
Keep an eye out for my other upcoming Fallout-related projects:
FOCSprint - prints out nicely formatted Fallout character sheets
VaultBot - an add on for DeskBots with a Fallout theme
And, if you haven't already, be sure to check out DeskBots and my other software at: